ARI Smart Content is a Joomla! extension which helps you to make the content of your site more attractive and user-friendly. Idea of "ARI Smart content" is to create a pluggable tool that combines various content widgets like: accordion, tabs, popup, scrollers, news sliders, graphs and charts, table wrappers and many other.
In most cases you don't need technical knowledge to use the power of different pluggable effects in your Joomla! system. More over, you don't need to find and pay for different Joomla! extensions such as Joomla! tabs component, accordion plugin, lightbox addons, Joomla! news slider, CSV extension and other.
The extension can retrieve data from different sources like databases, CSV files, Flickr and Picasa services, local images, Joomla! articles and provide these data for "ARI Smart Content" applications.
The extension contains the following applications which you can see in action on
demo site:
- Accordion creates a responsive accordions with jQuery UI themes support. Can create accordion from inline items or based on Joomla! articles.
- Cloud Carousel is a responsive and mobile friendly 3d image carousel. Supports a lot of parameters for customization and can be integrated with lightbox addons.
- Datatable is advanced table extension with sorting, filtering, paging and other useful abilities. Supports jQuery UI themes and data loading via AJAX.
- Easy Slider creates a responsive slider with themes support. Can create it from inline items or based on Joomla! articles.
- Fancybox is a mobile friendly lightbox with ability to show data from different source and a lot of parameter for customization.
- File Loader embeds files into Joomla! articles or other content. Can be used to create a basic template system, it is possible to use variables in files.
- GChart shows a responsive charts. Supports different chart types such as area chart, bar chart, column chart, line chart and pie chart.
- HTML Table creates a HTML table based on data from the selected data source (database, CSV files and etc.).
- Media Gallery creates a responsive image gallery with paging support and ability to integrate it with lightbox extensions.
- Nivo Slider is a powerful, mobile friendly image slider with support of different transition effects. It can be integrated with different lightbox extensions.
- Repeater shows data from the selected data source according to defined template.
- Org GChart creates organizational charts using Google charts API.
- Sexy Lightbox is a powerful lightbox extension with themes supports. Can show images, videos, Flash objects, web pages and other content.
- Tabs creates a responsive tabbed content with jQuery UI themes support. Can create it from inline items or based on Joomla! articles.
"ARI Smart Content" is compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x. Documentation is available