I dont know what i am making wrong but I cant do it to work. I have installed the module and the plugins aricolorbox and aricolorbox anywhere. First of all I have enabled the plugins and then I have made a Jumi module which contains the next code for a colorbox that contains an external page:
<a href="www.youtube.com/adwords10?hl=es-es&forcelang=false&x=84e108111b3a4a149bbfdebd4840f2b8" class="aricolorbox {iframe:true, width:800, height:600}"><img src="_joomla/images_centertop/video_botonplay.png" alt="RC Tecnic - Video Play" width="160" height="34" border="0" /></a>
Also i have added the next code in the same Jumi module for a colorbox that load an inline content:
<div class="ari_colorbox_hide" id="myRcTecnicVideo">
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="853" height="510" src="www.youtube.com/embed/F3V708SjGRk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="aricolorbox {href: '#myRcTecnicVideo', inline: true, width:900, height:600}" title="RC Tecnic - Nos presentamos"><img src="_joomla/images_centertop/video_botonplay.png" alt="RC Tecnic - Video Play" width="160" height="34" border="0" /></a>
But the external page not load (the colorbox opens but nothing inside) and the video shows an irregular proportion:
Also i have tried to do the same inside the page content but it happens the same. Here i dont know how to make it to work with a link that is an image, not text.
You can see this here:
Also I have attached an image with some appointments.
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT and sorry by my poor english