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Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox?
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TOPIC: Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox?
Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox? 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I am co-webmaster for a Joomla! 2.5.1 site. We are still feeling our way through the process, but are very happy with what we've got so far.

Our social organization has 18 activity groups such as Biking, Bridge, Fishing, Hiking, ..., Wine Tasters. Each activity has a base article hung off the ACTIVITIES menu, and each activity has one or two members with AUTHOR permissions for their activity.

Is there a way to give a login account with AUTHOR permissions a mechanism for creating an empty ARI Colorbox module? Some of them have weekly events and we webmasters would like to get out of the loop for creating galleries.

The authors have ftp access to a directory structure particular to their activity. For example, the hiking group would see
public-html/images/Activities/hiking as their root folder, within that they see directories DOCS, IMAGES, PDFS and any other directory that they might create. For the "Kent Falls April 8 2012" hike they would create a folder in Images named "Kent Falls April 8 2012" and load their images there.

We would love a mechanism whereby an author would provide their group name: Hiking, and the gallery title "Kent Falls April 8 2012" and all of the steps to create an empty module would be done for them.

Can this be done? My co-webmaster has a medium knowledge of PHP, I don't even know how to spell it.
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Re:Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox? 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 762

Joomla! doesn't provide ability to configure modules on frontend, but you can use "ARI Colorbox Anywhere" plugin in articles.

ARI Soft
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Re:Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox? 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
Great. But how do I acquire ARI Colorbox Anywhere? On your home page I went to PRODUCTS and did search for COLORBOX ANYWHERE, just COLORBOX, just ANYWHERE, PLUG-IN, PLUGIN etc., and nothing shows up. Is it part of a product suite, or known by another name? Is it unpublished?
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Re:Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox? 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 762
The plugin is available in aricolorbox_unzip_first.zip archive which can be downloaded in "Member Area" on our site.

ARI Soft
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Re:Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox? 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm not getting a gallery. I've scanned the forum and found several places where you ask for logon permissions, and then the next post is "Thanks" - but no clue as to what the solution to the problem was. It would have been informative to have posted the fix.

Here's what I've tried. Note that I've tried both 10021 and 10022 for the moduleId.

Complete content of the article as viewed by 'plain text' editor (rather than JCE)


{aricolorbox moduleId="10021"}
{aricolorbox activeType="imglist" 
dir="images/Activities/Procrastinators/Images/OrgMeeting" generateThumbs="true" 
thumbWidth=70 thumbHeight=70 thumbType="resize" type="gallery"
} {/aricolorbox}

The full path to the folder containing the images is:


There are about two dozen .JPGs in the above folder.

In Plug-in Manager: Plug-Ins I have


System - ARI Colorbox status:Enabled  Type:system Element: aricolorbox  Access:Public ID:1022

Going into details..
Status: Enabled
Acess: Plublic
Ordering: 0. System - ARI Extensions
Plub-in Type: system
Plug-in File: aricolorbox
ID: 10022

Load: Always
Include jQuery: Yes
Load jQuery method: Google CDN
Query version: 1.4.4
jQuery noConflicht: Yes
Theme: White-Black
Transition effect: Elastic
Speed: 350
Inner width
Inner height
Max width
Max height
Initial width: 300
Initial height: 100
Scale photos: Yes
Scrolling: Yes
Opacity: 0.85
Preloading: Yes
Overlay close:Yes
Loop: Yes
Enable slideshow: No
Slideshow speed: 2500
Auto slideshow: Yes
Slideshow start text: start slideshow
Slideshow stop text: stop slideshow
Current page text: (Current) of (total)
Previous test: previous
Next text: next
Close text: close

[b]System - ARI Colorbox Anywhere [/b] Status:Enabled Type:system Element: aricolorboxanywhereAccess:Public ID:10021

Status: Enabled
Access: Public
Ordering: System - ARI Extensions
Plug-in Type: system
Plug-in File: aricolorboxanywhere
ID: 10021
Mode: Content
Include jQuery: Yes
Load jQuery method: Google CDN
jQuery version: 1.4.4
JQuery noConflicht: Yes
Theme: White-Black
Transition effect: Elastic
Speed: 350
Width: 410
Height: 410
Inner width: 400
Inner height: 400
Max width: 400
Max height: 400
Initial width: 300
Initial height: 100
Scale photos: Yes
Scrolling: Yes
Opacity: 0.85
Preloading: Yes
Overlay close: Yes
Loop: Yes
Enable slideshowL: No
Slideshow speed: 2500
AUto slideshow: Yes
Slideshow start text: start slideshow
slideshow stop text: stop slideshow
Current page text; (current) of (total)
Previous text: previous
Next text: next
Close text: close
Choose type: Image gallery

Thumbnail width:
Thumbnail height:
Thumbnails path:
Cache time: 0
Gnerate thubnails: Yes
Create thubnail method: Resize

Resize method: None

Grayscale: No
Rotate: No
Background of roated images: #ffffff
Rotate settings: Fixed angle
Angle: 0

Description file: aricolorbox.csv
Files filter: your default list
Sort by: None
Sort direction: Ascending
Scan subfolders: Yes
Layout type: Simple gallery
Theme: None
Visible items count:
Items per row: 3
Containser CSS clasee:
Rows CSS classess: odd;even
Show title: Yes
Empty message:

What am I missing?
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Re:Can use w/ AUTHOR profile create an ARI Colorbox? 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 762
Try to use the next code instead of your code:


{aricolorbox moduleId="10021"}{/aricolorbox}

{aricolorbox activeType="imglist" dir="images/Activities/Procrastinators/Images/OrgMeeting" generateThumbs="1" thumbWidth="70" thumbHeight="70" thumbType="resize" type="gallery" itemCount="4"}{/aricolorbox}

If it doesn't help, could you provide a link to a page where we can see a problem by email?

ARI Soft
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