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Breadcrumb problem if visit a colorbox
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TOPIC: Breadcrumb problem if visit a colorbox
Breadcrumb problem if visit a colorbox 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
I think I have found a problem in Breadcrumbs. I don' tknow if it is the Joomla! component or something that Colorbox didn't set up correctly. Here's the sequence...

Main Menu - on left, contains Activities as an menu item. Click and two things happen: (a) It displays a "place holder" article which invites the registered member to make a selection from the sub-menu to the left, and (b) it expands the sub-menu to display the 18 club activities as the next level with things such as Biking, Bridge, ..., Hiking, ... Wine Tasting, each of which points to that activity's 'base' article.

I select HIKING.

Within that article are links to photo galleries. I select "Appalachian Trail - June 15, 2012" which takes me to an article which is a thumbnail gallery. During this entire sequence the breadcrumbs display correctly - at this point I have:
Home > Activities > Hiking > Appalachian Trail, June 15, 2012
The complete content of this article is:

{aricolorbox moduleId="10021"}{/aricolorbox} {aricolorbox activeType="imglist" dir="images/Activities/Hiking/Images/2012/Hiking the AT, June 15, 2012" generateThumbs="1" thumbWidth="70" thumbHeight="70" thumbType="resize" type="gallery" itemCount="4"}{/aricolorbox} 

and the gallery (thumbnails) displays correctly. Clicking on a thumbnail displays the selected image and starts a slide show. Terminating the colorbox returns to the thumbnail gallery as expected.

However the problems listed below happen whether you go into the individual images/slideshow or not.

Problem 1: If I click HIKING in the breadcrumbs chain, the screen does a visible refresh to the gallery thumbnails rather than return to the Hiking article.

Problem 2: If I click Activities in the thumbnail chain, then I get an unpublished article - "Procrastinators" This is a bogus activity that is used for training authors. When Procrastinators is published the corresponding item in the Activities menu is also marked as published. However at present both the article and the menu item are currently unpublished. For the heck of it, I tried various combinations of published/unpublished in Menu Manager and Article Manager - no matter what combination I use I get the wrong article when I click Activities in the breadcrumb chain. I should get the "place holder" article for Activities.

If I click on Activities in the left menu, it returns me to the place holder page, so the problem appears to be within 'unwinding' the breadcrumbs.

I don't know whether responding to a breadcrumb click is the responsibility of the Joomla! Breadcrumb code or code within a 3rd-party module/plug-in that perhaps didn't set up the back-tracking stack correctly yet did set the visible breadcrumbs.
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Re:Breadcrumb problem if visit a colorbox 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 762

"ARI Colorbox" doesn't affect on menu items (breadcrumbs or other menu module). We suppose your breadcrumb module is delivered with site template so try to contact site template developers so they fix the problem.

ARI Soft
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