Link Images to Content with Colobox 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi there,
two questions:
How can i link an image to popup inline content? It seems impossible.
Secons questions, i use an image map, code is this:
Code: |
<img src="partner.png" USEMAP="#partner" BORDER=0>
<map name="partner">
<area shape="circle" coords="77,111,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="352,81,64" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="230,202,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="109,378,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="380,301,64" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="716,129,62" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="739,364,62" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="550,232,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="540,80,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="519,425,61" href="http://linkthatshouldopenincolorbox" alt="" title="">
A quick help would be really appreciated! Thank you very much!
Last Edit: 2010/05/31 12:23 By subster.
Re:Link Images to Content with Colobox 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 762
Regarding your questions:
1. If you want to use 'System - ARI Colorbox Anywhere' plugin for this purpose, download 'ARI Colorbox' from 'Member Area' on our site and upgrade 'System - ARI Colorbox Anywhere' plugin. Then you can type the following code in Joomla! content:
Code: |
{aricolorbox activeType="icontent" opt_width="300" opt_height="250" link="Click me" title="Hidden text"}
Inline content which you want to show in colorbox goes here.
<img src="[path_to_your_image]" />
In other words, place inline content which you want to show in lightbox between {content} and {/content} tags and an image between {link} and {/link} tags which will be used as link to lightbox. If you want to use 'ARI Colorbox' module for this purpose, type in 'Link text' parameter HTML code for your image like this:
Code: |
<img src="[path_to_your_image]" />
2. 'ARI Colorbox' doesn't support image map, but we'll investigate possibility of adding this feature and report about results soon.
ARI Soft
Re:Link Images to Content with Colobox 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 762
[Update] About the second question, download the extension in 'Member Area' on our site and upgrade 'System - ARI Colorbox' plugin, please. And use the following code with image map:
Code: |
<img src="partner.png" USEMAP="#partner" BORDER=0>
<map name="partner">
<area shape="circle" coords="77,111,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="352,81,64" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="230,202,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="109,378,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="380,301,64" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="716,129,62" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="739,364,62" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="550,232,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="540,80,61" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="519,425,61" href="http://linkthatshouldopenincolorbox" alt="" title="" class="aricolorbox {iframe:1,width:500,height:450}">
In brief, add "class" attributes to necessary <AREA> tags, and place "aricolorbox" value in this attribute and additional parameters for lightbox.
ARI Soft
Re:Link Images to Content with Colobox 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Wow, thats what i call a quick and effective support!!
Thank you so much for that!!
Re:Link Images to Content with Colobox 14 Years ago
Karma: 0
I would like to do this but link to a flickr photoset, I have tried the method shown making the obvious changes but I can't get it to work, any ideas?
Re:Link Images to Content with Colobox 14 Years ago
Karma: 0
P.S. Not with image map, just with normal image