I am using ARI Data tables to display results of a query from a library. The table has about 6000 entries (medium sized library), and my SQL is like
select title, checkedout, author, dewy from pbt_library;
This works, although there is a good 10 seconds loading time, and I am concerned that this is a) a strain on the server and b) a strain on bandwidth. c) a strain on the browser to hold the resulting mile long HTML.
I dont expect heavy usage, but that table as a csv is over 1M, and with just those fields selected, I bet theres around 400k of data...
Basically, Im concerned for the well being of my users browsers lol. ARI holds up fine, but to view the source, the page is a mile long!
I could split up the database, have 2, like a link [search A-M], and another [search N-Z], but that also seems broken from a UI perspective...
Link in case you want to see for yourself