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PHP variables
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TOPIC: PHP variables
PHP variables 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 5
Is there any way to include php variables within the SQL Query.
If not from the module itself can variables be added to file of the module?

I need an ARI data table to load based on a variable table name for example:

SELECT * FROM table_name_$variable


I forgot to mention I have the DirectPHP plugin enabled to allow for php code to be entered in articles as well as modules

If this is not possible would ARI smart content be a solution to intergrate php with ari data table?
Last Edit: 2011/09/28 19:09 By trevor_stp.
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Re:PHP variables 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 762

The module doesn't support this ability, but if you want to add it, modify the next file:


See "prepareQuery" method.

ARI Soft
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Re:PHP variables 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 5
It works. Exactly what I needed!

thank you
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Re:PHP variables 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi trevor,

sorry to bother you mate but your post here was also a topic in which i am interested. Trouble is, I'm just getting up to speed with PHP, and also with joomla. I have a bit of programming experience, but not in web technologies.

Can I pass variables to the php code in DirectPHP via the url, then make a call from DirectPHP to display an ari data table based on that variable?

What should i change in prepareQuery?

Sorry if i've misunderstood.
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Re:PHP variables 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 5

you will have to define your variable within the file:


as fillows:

function prepareQuery($query)

$db->setquery("SELECT column_x FROM table_x WHERE column_x ='y'");
$VARIABLE = $db->loadresult();

$params = array(


you'll need to add "," at the end of the $VARIABLE if it is not your last parameter.

You should then be able to use your variable within your sql query by using the following: {$VARIABLE}

please back up your core ARI files and ask ARI Soft premission before changing any of the module files

hope this helps

Last Edit: 2011/10/11 03:09 By trevor_stp.
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Re:PHP variables 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 5
you may also want to look into the {$REQUEST} feature available for ARI Data tables. This will also allow you to load an ari data table based on parameters within the URL
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