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PHP variables
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TOPIC: PHP variables
Re:PHP variables 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
I've added the following


$dtCode = sprintf('if (typeof(AriDataTables) != "undefined") AriDataTables.hideLoadingPane("#%1$s_wrapper");var options = %2$s;options["fnDrawCallback"] = function(oSettings) { adt_DataTable_DrawCallback(oSettings) };options["fnServerParams"]=function(aoData){aoData.push({"name":"leagueid","value":"<?php echo $GET[leagueid];?>"});};$("#%1$s").addClass("display dataTable").dataTable(options);',

but the table is still loading with "No Data Available in Table"

Anything else I need to add?

Last Edit: 2013/03/22 18:07 By trevor_stp.
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Re:PHP variables 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 762
Try the following code:

$dtCode = sprintf('if (typeof(AriDataTables) != "undefined") AriDataTables.hideLoadingPane("#%1$s_wrapper");var options = %2$s;options["fnDrawCallback"] = function(oSettings) { adt_DataTable_DrawCallback(oSettings) };options["fnServerParams"] =function(aoData){aoData.push({"name":"leagueid","value":"' . JRequest::getString('leagueid') . '"});};$("#%1$s").addClass("display dataTable").dataTable(options);',

ARI Soft
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Re:PHP variables 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5

works great but it does strip any CSS added to "CSS Styles".
Also, when a query has a 'Having' clause, the first page loads but the pagination buttons (next/prev or full numbers) are disabled. The table also displays 'showing 0 of 0 results' when it has indeed loaded the first page of results.
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Re:PHP variables 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 762
Could you provide a link to a page where we can see the problem and specify what query with "HAVING" clause you use?

ARI Soft
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Re:PHP variables 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
thanks for the suggestion. I've changed HAVING to WHERE and it is now working.

The CSS style that does not load is:


TABLE{$id} TR TD.ari-tbl-col-6
color: green;
font-weight: bold;

It does, however, work if I include


<font color=green>${$value}</font>

within the 'Format Column' of column settings. Thanks again for the great support
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Re:PHP variables 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
Last Edit: 2013/03/24 23:04 By trevor_stp.
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