I have a joomla mysql table called jos_loads. The data in this table is below:
ID FarmNumber LoadStatus
1 12345 Load Waiting
2 54321 Load Grading
3 12345 Completed
4 54321 Load Grading
5 54321 Load Grading
6 12345 Completed
7 54321 Load Waiting
I would like to display this data like the example ARI Data Visualizer Bar Graph on the Demo Page of your website. I would like Farm Number to be where food, auto, etc is, and the Load Status to be the colored bars in the color key.
SQL being used in my ARI Module:
FarmNumber, LoadStatus, count(LoadStatus) as StatusCount
from jos_loads
group by FarmNumber,LoadStatus
order by Farmnumber,LoadStatus
Graph Transformation:
X: FarmNumber
Y: LoadStatus
Value: StatusCount
Direction to parse the data: X axis
Results of the above SQL statement when run against the DB manually:
FarmNumber LoadStatus StatusCount
12345 Completed 2
12345 Load Waiting 1
54321 Load Grading 3
54321 Load Waiting 1
The graph loads on my page, but I can't tell if its correct because its so large and contains individual scroll bars. I have attached a screen shot. Do you think this is just a styling issue? If so, can you please assist me with making it smaller like the one on the demo page? If its not a styling issue, but rather a coding/sql issue, can you please help me correct the sql?
Thanks in advance,