Re:create dynamic search box 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
Im afraid Im kind of lost. Im missing something. I understand that I have to get in and modify that php file, however I know that it is not the only thing I have to do. Are there files that have to be installed, and in which directory the plugin files have to be installed? Im confused because when I download files from that site, it downloads a number of example files. Are those the files that have to be copied into a directory? Note that when I modify the php file, I copy following script into the "initClientInstance" method.
Can you please tell me if do this part correct?
Thank you so much.
Im sorry for not understanding completely, but havent installed this kind of plugin before.
Re:create dynamic search box 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
I have found the required file I believe. I put in the same directory as the file in the previous post. Is this procedure correct. I try copying the initialization code in the file and replacing the tableid with the id of the module but gives me error. Can you help me out.
Re:create dynamic search box 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 760
Create "columnfilter" folder in <joomla_directory>\modules\mod_aridatatables\includes\js\widgets\datatable\plugins\ folder and copy jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js file to the created folder. After this open <joomla_directory>\modules\mod_aridatatables\includes\kernel\DataTables\Models\class.DataTablesWidgetDatatableModel.php file, find "includeAssets" method and add the following code:
AriDocumentHelper::includeJsFile($baseUri . 'plugins/columnfilter/jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js');
after the following code:
AriDocumentHelper::includeJsFile($baseUri . 'plugins/tabletools/js/TableTools.min.js');
Then find "initClientInstance" and replace the following code:
'if (typeof(AriDataTables) != "undefined") AriDataTables.hideLoadingPane("#%1$s_wrapper");var options = %2$s;options["fnDrawCallback"] = function(oSettings) { adt_DataTable_DrawCallback(oSettings) };$("#%1$s").addClass("display dataTable").dataTable(options);'
with the following one:
'if (typeof(AriDataTables) != "undefined") AriDataTables.hideLoadingPane("#%1$s_wrapper");var options = %2$s;options["fnDrawCallback"] = function(oSettings) { adt_DataTable_DrawCallback(oSettings) };$("#%1$s").addClass("display dataTable").dataTable(options).columnFilter();'
PS: Set "HTML table settings -> Show footer" parameter to "Yes" in module settings.
ARI Soft
Re:create dynamic search box 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
I will try this and let you know. Thank you so much.
I just wanted to note that Im using SQL table ->External database -> MySQL. I hope there not any differences in the instructions..
Thank you so much again.
Re:create dynamic search box 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 760
It will work with any source type, but it will not work if "Server side pagination" parameter is set to "Yes" in module settings.
ARI Soft
Re:create dynamic search box 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
Unfortunately, it gives me error after what when I added the line:
75 is the module id of my table.
after the following line:
$loadMethod = AriUtils::getParam($params, 'loadMethod', 'ready');
inside the initClientInstance method.
I have three different tables with three different module ids. I try with the first one.
I feel Im very close to making it work.
Also, I can change from showing at the footer to showing at the header, right?
Thank you so much,