I'm using ARI Data Tables which is a great extension, but I needed individual column search so I implemented
ColumnFilterWidgets (following instructions I found in one of the previous topics on this forum - thank you!).
Everything works fine, but I have a lot of columns (meaning two rows of search boxes now) so I would like to keep only the most important and exclude the others. I looked for the code to activate this feature, but I could find only the initialisation code for HTML pages, and I'm not professional so I don't know how to modify ARI Tables or Joomla scripts for that purpose. If you could help me with this, I would really appreciate it very much.
The code they give is
Code: |
$(document).ready( function () {
$('#example').dataTable( {
"sDom": 'W<"clear">lfrtip',
"oColumnFilterWidgets": {
"aiExclude": [ 1 ]
} );
} );
Thanks, branka