Ok, I see you were talking about the query columns. But I have a "Select All" column that I needed to disable sorting on...and that isn't part of the query. So how do I disable sorting on that?
When I removed the sorting for column 13/14, I got a scroll bar, but the whole table extends off the page, making the scrollbar useless because I still can't scroll the data onto the viewable page. See attached picture.
I want my table window to be about 900px, but the total table size (viewable by scrolling) to be 2000px. I want all data in a row to appear on a single row, not double spaced when certain data is long in a field. What should my table "Width" setting be, and what should my scrolling width setting be?
Also, my "select all" button seems to have quit working when I made this change. But this relates to a custom plugin you made for me, so we can talk about this via email.