I now have Ari Data Tables connected to my MS SQL and showing the DATA I want to show.
I also have two links in my table, one links to the system behind my data (BMC Remedy) and i can open Remedy and work with an Incident from my Data Table, works perfect.
My second link opens a PDF file having same name.PDF as the particular incident that I select, but this is static and requires PDF´s to be created all the time (manually).
How do I parse the selected record to an article page showing the data in a structured way?
I am using the FORMAT option to link to my PDF´s ie.
(<a href="data/BunchOfPDF/{$value}.pdf" target="_blank">Skema</a>
Do You have any extension that can show the same data in an article, setup like a form?
Can you give a hint to do something like that?
Johnny Ejs