I need to hide "full" value from a column on data table but let user see it through a kind of "tooltip". The (textual) value is too big to fit in a cell and break design so I thought it should be great to simply display an icon + tooltip.
I've tried "Format" field in Columns Settings (via nonumber tooltip plugin syntax):
Code: |
{tip Info::{$value}}<img src="/images/watch/info.png" width="22" height="12" />{/tip}
Content plugin are not parsed
So I've tried another way using native J!3 bootstrap:
Code: |
<a href="#" rel="popover" title="Info" data-content="{$value}"><img src="/images/watch/info.png" width="22" height="12" /></a>
No error but no result too
Is there a way to activate content plugin in columns settings format? onPrepareContent somewhere in script? Or I've missed something?
Thank you for your knowledge