Hi... XD me again...

thanks for the support but i have another problem... this time is displaying the UI Theme... i don't know why i canґt see it...
Can you help me?...
Well this is the options in my configuration module:
Include MooTools / NO
Include jQuery / YES
jQuery noConflict / YES
jQuery UI Theme / BLITZER
Module Class Suffix
HTML table settings -----------------------
Caption / CARIBE
Advanced styling / NO
Show header / YES
Show footer / NO
Width / 100%
Cell padding / 0
Cell spacing / 0
Border / 0
Border collapse / SEPARATE
Table CSS class
Rows CSS classes
Columns Settings ---------------------------
CSS Styles ----------------------------------
Choose Table Type -- ARI DATA Table ---------
ARI DATA ------------------------------------
Custom pagination
Using jQuery UI themes / YES
Using paging / YES
Pagination type / NEXT/PREV
Paging list / YES
Save state / NO
Duration of cookie / 7200
Filter / YES
Sorting / YES
Table information / YES
Show processing / YES
Auto width / YES
Number of rows to display / 10
Controls layout / lfrtip
Row CSS classes / odd,even
Processing label / Procesando...
Length menu label / Show _MENU_ entries
Zero records label / No matching records found
Info label / Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries
Info empty label / Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries
Info filtered label / (filtered from _MAX_ total entries)
Info postfix label
Search label / BUSCAR
Choose source type ----- CSV ------------------
CSV -------------------------------------------
Path to CSV file / data/caribe.csv
Heading / YES
Auto-detect mode / NO
File encoding
Delimiter / ,
Enclosure / "
Sort by
Sort direction / ASCENDING
And in the image that i attach is the result applied in a article using the tagg {aridatatables moduleId="50"}
I hope you can help me :3
You can see it in action there