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ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!!
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TOPIC: ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!!
ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!! 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
I come from Taiwan
My English is poor

How can I work?
Please give me a model .....
I need an example!!
Set of circumstances back / front of the display

Please help me!!THINK!!
Last Edit: 2010/07/25 04:40 By peiyouliao.
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Re:ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!! 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762

You can find documentation how to use the module in 'Description' field on module settings page. In brief, choose source in 'Choose source type' drop-down from what you want to load data database or CSV file, specify database credentials or path to CSV file, enable and save module. If you need more assistance, specify what data you want to display, please.

ARI Soft
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Re:ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!! 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi... XD me again... thanks for the support but i have another problem... this time is displaying the UI Theme... i don't know why i canґt see it...

Can you help me?...

Well this is the options in my configuration module:

Include MooTools / NO
Include jQuery / YES
jQuery noConflict / YES
jQuery UI Theme / BLITZER
Module Class Suffix

HTML table settings -----------------------
Caption / CARIBE
Advanced styling / NO
Show header / YES
Show footer / NO
Width / 100%
Cell padding / 0
Cell spacing / 0
Border / 0
Border collapse / SEPARATE
Table CSS class
Rows CSS classes

Columns Settings ---------------------------


CSS Styles ----------------------------------


Choose Table Type -- ARI DATA Table ---------
ARI DATA ------------------------------------

Custom pagination
Using jQuery UI themes / YES
Using paging / YES
Pagination type / NEXT/PREV
Paging list / YES
Save state / NO
Duration of cookie / 7200
Filter / YES
Sorting / YES
Table information / YES
Show processing / YES
Auto width / YES
Number of rows to display / 10
Controls layout / lfrtip
Row CSS classes / odd,even
Processing label / Procesando...
Length menu label / Show _MENU_ entries
Zero records label / No matching records found
Info label / Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries
Info empty label / Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries
Info filtered label / (filtered from _MAX_ total entries)
Info postfix label
Search label / BUSCAR

Choose source type ----- CSV ------------------
CSV -------------------------------------------

Path to CSV file / data/caribe.csv
Heading / YES
Auto-detect mode / NO
File encoding
Delimiter / ,
Enclosure / "
Sort by
Sort direction / ASCENDING

And in the image that i attach is the result applied in a article using the tagg {aridatatables moduleId="50"}

I hope you can help me :3

You can see it in action there
----------> www.sctoursoperadora.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=30&Itemid=57
Last Edit: 2010/07/26 23:37 By Nicodemus.
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Re:ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!! 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762

It seems the site template contains incorrect code for removing MooTools javascript library. This code removes all javascript includes. Could you provide temporary access to your Joomla! backend by email that we can investigate this issue more deeply and provide solution?

ARI Soft
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Re:ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!! 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Ok, I'll create a new account in my joomla. What kind of account I need create to you?? and i need email where i need to send the information.

The mail is info(a)ari-soft.com isn't it?...

Last Edit: 2010/07/27 16:26 By Nicodemus.
The administrator has disabled public write access.
Re:ARI Data Tables module ?I need an example!! 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762
We need super administrator permissions because only this type of users can view and edit site template files. Yes, email is correct, our previous post contains hyperlink with our mail.

ARI Soft
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