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[SOLVED] Year dropdown menu above the table
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TOPIC: [SOLVED] Year dropdown menu above the table
Re:Year dropdown menu above the table 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 760
Set init value as:

SELECT @r := 12 * ({$REQUEST:chartYearStart|empty:'2011'} - 2011)

This is what you need?

ARI Soft
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Re:Year dropdown menu above the table 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
No, this is the query that calculates the value (and it works OK on its own, but it gives me the error with the CASE WHEN statement:

(SELECT @runtot :=(
                          CASE WHEN {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal}='2011' THEN 0 ELSE /*IF IT STARTS AT 2011, IT IS ZERO AND IT ADDS UP THE MONTHLY VALUES*/
                            (/*IF IT STARTS AT 2012+, FIRST CALCULATE HOW MUCH IS THE TOTAL LAST YEAR */
                            SELECT (@risultato := calcolo.assun - calcolo.licen) AS totale
                                    SUM(statistica_assunti_n.assunzioni) AS assun,
                                    SUM(statistica_licenziati_n.licenziamenti) AS licen
                                    FROM  calendar
                                    INNER JOIN statistica_assunti_n
                                    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_assunti_n.data_assunzioni
                                    INNER JOIN statistica_licenziati_n
                                    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_licenziati_n.data_licenziamenti
                                    WHERE YEAR(datefield) BETWEEN 2011 AND {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal}-1)/*I REQUEST 2012, BUT IT WILL SEE HOW MUCH WAS IT IN 2011 AND ONLY THEN ADD THE MONTHLY VALUE OF JAN,FEB,MAR... OF 2012*/
                              AS calcolo
                            ) AS zero

I know that the answer is right in front of me, but I don't see it
Last Edit: 2016/09/10 10:42 By vladimir84.
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Re:Year dropdown menu above the table 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Yes, I found the mistake However when I select the 2011, it shows null on all values for that year. I think it's just a matter of small correction.

Here is the complete query, which works fine for all the other years except the base year of 2011:

    CONCAT(q1.d,'-',LPAD(q1.m,2,0)) AS Periodo,
   (@runtot := @runtot + q1.c - q1.l) AS `N. dipendenti`
       YEAR(calendar.datefield) AS d,
       month(calendar.datefield) AS m,
       SUM(statistica_assunti_n.assunzioni) AS c,
       SUM(statistica_licenziati_n.licenziamenti) AS l
    FROM  calendar
    INNER JOIN statistica_assunti_n
    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_assunti_n.data_assunzioni
  INNER JOIN statistica_licenziati_n
    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_licenziati_n.data_licenziamenti
WHERE YEAR(datefield) = {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal} AND datefield <= DATE(NOW())
    GROUP  BY d, m
    ORDER  BY d, m) AS q1, 
      (SELECT (
                          CASE @runtot 
                            WHEN {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal}='2011' THEN @runtot :='0' ELSE @runtot :=
                            SELECT (@risultato := calcolo.assun - calcolo.licen) AS totale
                                    SUM(statistica_assunti_n.assunzioni) AS assun,
                                    SUM(statistica_licenziati_n.licenziamenti) AS licen
                                    FROM  calendar
                                    INNER JOIN statistica_assunti_n
                                    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_assunti_n.data_assunzioni
                                    INNER JOIN statistica_licenziati_n
                                    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_licenziati_n.data_licenziamenti
                                    WHERE YEAR(datefield) BETWEEN 2011 AND {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal}-1)
                                AS calcolo
                              ) END)
                            ) AS zero

Last Edit: 2016/09/10 11:58 By vladimir84.
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Re:Year dropdown menu above the table 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
got it!!!
it is redundant as hell, but luckily there aren't are only 1000-2000 records to analyze, it won't be that slow


    CONCAT(q1.d,'-',LPAD(q1.m,2,0)) AS Periodo,
   (@runtot := @runtot + q1.c - q1.l) AS `N. dipendenti`
       YEAR(calendar.datefield) AS d,
       month(calendar.datefield) AS m,
       SUM(statistica_assunti_n.assunzioni) AS c,
       SUM(statistica_licenziati_n.licenziamenti) AS l
    FROM  calendar
    INNER JOIN statistica_assunti_n
    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_assunti_n.data_assunzioni
  INNER JOIN statistica_licenziati_n
    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_licenziati_n.data_licenziamenti
WHERE YEAR(datefield) = {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal|empty:'2016'} AND datefield <= DATE(NOW())
    GROUP  BY d, m
    ORDER  BY d, m) AS q1, 
      (SELECT (
                          CASE @runtot 
                            WHEN {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal|empty:'2016'}='2011' THEN '@runtot :=0' ELSE @runtot :=
                            (CASE WHEN {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal|empty:'2016'}='2011' THEN '@runtot :=0' ELSE 
                            SELECT (@risultato := calcolo.assun - calcolo.licen) AS totale
                                    SUM(statistica_assunti_n.assunzioni) AS assun,
                                    SUM(statistica_licenziati_n.licenziamenti) AS licen
                                    FROM  calendar
                                    INNER JOIN statistica_assunti_n
                                    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_assunti_n.data_assunzioni
                                    INNER JOIN statistica_licenziati_n
                                    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_licenziati_n.data_licenziamenti
                                    WHERE YEAR(datefield) BETWEEN 2011 AND (CASE WHEN {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal|empty:'2016'}='2011' THEN '2011' ELSE {$REQUEST:chartYearTotal|empty:'2016'}-1 END))
                                AS calcolo
                              )END) END)
                            ) AS zero

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