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[SOLVED] SET in SQL query doesn't work
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TOPIC: [SOLVED] SET in SQL query doesn't work
[SOLVED] SET in SQL query doesn't work 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
I have the following query that creates the two columns that I need for the chart. However, the addon shows only "No data available.". I believe it is because of the "SET" part of the query. Unfortunately, MySQL doesn't allow SET to be a part of a view, and I don't know how to use procedures.
The math operation is necessary to show the total number of people (q1.1 are those who left that month)
Please tell me how to fix it.


SET @runtot:=0;
   CONCAT(q1.d,'-',LPAD(q1.m,2,0)) AS Periodo,
   (@runtot := @runtot + q1.c - q1.l) AS `N. dipendenti`
       YEAR(calendar.datefield) AS d,
       month(calendar.datefield) AS m,
       SUM(statistica_assunti_n.assunzioni) AS c,
   SUM(statistica_licenziati_n.licenziamenti) AS l
    FROM  calendar
INNER JOIN statistica_assunti_n
    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_assunti_n.data_assunzioni
  INNER JOIN statistica_licenziati_n
    ON calendar.datefield = statistica_licenziati_n.data_licenziamenti
WHERE YEAR(datefield) BETWEEN '2011' AND YEAR(NOW()) AND datefield <= DATE(NOW())
    GROUP  BY d, m
    ORDER  BY d, m) AS q1

Last Edit: 2016/09/09 14:16 By vladimir84.
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Re:SET in SQL query doesn't work 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 760

A variable can be defined in "SELECT" SQL query like in this example.

ARI Soft
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Re:SET in SQL query doesn't work 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
thank you, that's it!!!
I've been looking at stackoverflow for hours and hours and couldn't find it.
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Re:SET in SQL query doesn't work 8 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 760
You are welcome. Feel free to contact, together we can find an answer more faster

ARI Soft
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