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Column Width and Download Links not Working
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TOPIC: Column Width and Download Links not Working
Column Width and Download Links not Working 7 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0

I have a page that uses ARIDatatables. I am using v1.16.1 and am having 2 specific problems.

I cannot get any of the column width settings to display as set in the backend. I know the column ID is set correctly because if I instead set the column to HIDDEN the correct column disappears from the page.

I am setting the width to a percentage, currently 50% or 60%, assuming the default is 100%, Not sure if this is correct because there is no help anywhere on how to set individual parameter values. Your site says help is in the descriptions, but it is not there. All the description says is set parameters. How? (%, pixels, other)

The second problem is that I am trying to display the download links for PDF, CSV and Excel with the table. The setting is set to YES, but no links display. Why?

To see the problem go here,


To test please login using,

username: ***
password: ***

Thanks in advance.

Last Edit: 2017/06/05 11:00 By admin.
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Re:Column Width and Download Links not Working 7 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762

If you use "ARI Data Table" widget, set "Auto width" parameter to "No" and add the following CSS rule to "CSS Styles" parameter:

TABLE.dataTable {table-layout:fixed;}

Width can be defined in percent like 30% or in pixels like 20px.

ARI Soft
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Re:Column Width and Download Links not Working 7 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I made this change exactly as indicated, but the page layout did NOT change in any way. The columns I indicated as 50% width remain unchanged.

A couple of concerns with this. First, clearly something is wrong with the extension or the directions given. Second, where is all this new stuff in the directions or documentation for the extension? How can the extension be used if not documented how to?

Why is a CSS style not even mentioned, nor any connection between auto width and individual column widths?

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Re:Column Width and Download Links not Working 7 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
The next issue raised in my post was pertaining to the EXPORT buttons not being displayed even when the setting is set to YES. How do I fix that?
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Re:Column Width and Download Links not Working 7 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762
It is not possible to open sim-x.net/index.php/simsearch/custom-pwc-search-subscriber link with the provided credentials. It redirects to home page.

Could you check the credentials and send screenshot(s) of module settings page by email so we can investigate the problem in more details?

ARI Soft
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Re:Column Width and Download Links not Working 7 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Obviously, the link won't work if you are not logged in. Login first.

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