Thanks. Do I need to edit that file?
However, I found the configuration file below. Is is also possible to import this file as an initialisation option?
1 /**
2 * Dutch translation
3 * @name Dutch
4 * @anchor Dutch
5 * @author <a href="
www.blikgooien.nl/">Erwin Kerk</a> and <i>ashwin</i>
6 */
8 {
9 "sProcessing": "Bezig...",
10 "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ resultaten weergeven",
11 "sZeroRecords": "Geen resultaten gevonden",
12 "sInfo": "_START_ tot _END_ van _TOTAL_ resultaten",
13 "sInfoEmpty": "Geen resultaten om weer te geven",
14 "sInfoFiltered": " (gefilterd uit _MAX_ resultaten)",
15 "sInfoPostFix": "",
16 "sSearch": "Zoeken:",
17 "sEmptyTable": "Geen resultaten aanwezig in de tabel",
18 "sInfoThousands": ".",
19 "sLoadingRecords": "Een moment geduld aub - bezig met laden...",
20 "oPaginate": {
21 "sFirst": "Eerste",
22 "sLast": "Laatste",
23 "sNext": "Volgende",
24 "sPrevious": "Vorige"
25 },
26 "oAria": {
27 "sSortAscending": ": activeer om kolom oplopend te sorteren",
28 "sSortDescending": ": activeer om kolom aflopend te sorteren"
29 }
30 }