Firstly may I point out that I am blind and use a screen reader to access my computer which goes some way to explaining why I am having difficulty with this part of Data Tables.
Data Tables is installed, plugin enabled for article insertion and module is published.
I wish to query the Joomla database, lang_joom465
I have tried entering: SELECT * FROM lang_joom465; and then placed Data Tables in an article and also then in a module but it returns : Error while rendering position.
Having spent hours reading the Data Tables instruction manual, this forum, Wikipedia and
www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_select.asp I am now totally at a loss.
Can someone please tell me in easy to follow steps, how do I get a Data Table to show: User's First name and last name for example?
From there I am sure it will become clear enough for me to work out the rest.
Many thanks in advance for your help with this.