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Default column sort
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TOPIC: Default column sort
Default column sort 6 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
I've got a table setup using the ARI Data Table as the table type with 4 columns. I'd like to have a column that is just dates displayed so it's presorted in descending order by default when it loads. Is that done in "column settings" and if so how what is the column index I should be using.

Thanks for your help
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Re:Default column sort 6 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 762

Could you specify what table widget (value on "Choose table type" parameter) and what (database or CSV file) you use?

ARI Soft
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Re:Default column sort ***Solved*** 6 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
The "Table Type" is the "ARI Data Table" and it is loading data from the Joomla database

***Edit: Did some more forum searching and found this in an old post.

Populate "Choose table type -> ARI Data Tables -> Columns settings -> Column index" parameter with zero-based column index (it means the first column will have 0 index, the second will have 1 index and etc.)

This info might be helpful to add to the mouse-over tooltip

Thank you
Last Edit: 2018/10/28 16:29 By Mobilepro.Reason: Solved
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Re:Default column sort ***Solved*** 6 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
That solved my issue as well.

I agree, that would be great info to have in the mouse over tooltip!
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