This could not have happened at a worse time.
Error is: Fatal error: Cannot make static method Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::getModuleById() non static in class AriModuleHelper in /var/
www/html/<mysite>/public_html/plugins/content/aridatatables/aridatatables/kernel/Module/j16/class.ModuleHelper.php on line 0
I have a critical US election-related website that cannot go down right now. Completely dependent on this extension and I have completely lost access to my back end (white screen) after J3.9 update, though the front end data queries continue to work thank god. ADT version 1.11.0 according to the XML file (I can no longer manage extensions from Joomla).
Can the 1.16.4 update be applied non-destructively? Our AriData Table setup is complex and we cannot afford to lose configurations.
We are not 100% confident of our recent pre J3.9 backup.
Please advise on best way to recover, and not loose any configuration.