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Removing Database connection
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TOPIC: Removing Database connection
Removing Database connection 6 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I have a Joomla site that is using ARI Data Tables for some reporting functions. It connects to a DB on the local server and performs the query. It is working fine on our production site. Unfortunately, we need to update our PHP on that server, hence a full upgrade of the site.

I used Akeeba Backup to backup and restore the site to a Sandbox account on the same server. The Sandbox account has PHP 7.2 versus PHP 5.6 on the production account. I have also imported all of the databases and everything is ok from that respect. I can see data using phpMyAdmin.

I am using the latest version of ARI Data Tables – 1.16.4

I have attempted to change the database credentials in two modules and have had the same results. I have not attempted on the 3rd and last module yet.

I open the module and edit the DB credentials. Everything looks fine until I save the module. Then the DB type switched to “Joomla” and all of the credential info as well as the Query are gone. Luckily, all of the column settings are still there.

I am using the Google Chrome browser to edit the site. I just tried in IE as well and had the same result...

Any ideas?
Last Edit: 2019/01/24 18:09 By MJ_ITDept.
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Re:Removing Database connection 6 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 762

Is it possible to see the problem anywhere?

ARI Soft
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