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Possible issue with ARIDataTables 1.16.4 J!3.9.8
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TOPIC: Possible issue with ARIDataTables 1.16.4 J!3.9.8
Possible issue with ARIDataTables 1.16.4 J!3.9.8 5 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello, We are experiencing an issue with saving previously created ARI Data Tables modules in J!3.9.8. When editing a previously created ARI Data tables module the "params" and "params-extra" stored in the joomla database are either incomplete, corrupted, or too large for PHP to process. Due to this we are experiencing a white screen and PHP memory exhaustion error when attempting to view the page which contains the ari table using the ari data tables content plugin {aridatatables}{/aridatatables}. Restoring the "params" and "params-extra" data in the database resolves this issue and the table is displayed however saving the arimodule again corrupts this data in the database again and the page fails to load with the table in place. These modules have worked with out issue for an extremely long time and this issue has just recently started once the update to J!3.9.8 was completed.

copy of the error:

KExceptionFailure | Fatal Error [500]
Call to a member function postProcessing() on null

104 ob_start();
105 require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_aridatatables', $tableType);
106 $moduleContent = ob_get_contents();
107 ob_end_clean();
109 echo $model->postProcessing($moduleContent, AriUtils::getParam($mParams['source'], $source));

apache 2.4.27 php 5.6.25 mysql 5.6.40 Reinstalling the module from a fresh download of the 1.16.4 version of the module did not resolve the issue.
Advanced Module Manager was disabled - did not resolve the issue.
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Re:Possible issue with ARIDataTables 1.16.4 J!3.9.8 5 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 760

We can't reproduce the problem on our test server. Could you provide a temporary access to your J! backend and FTP access by email so we can investigate the problem?

PS: You can reproduce the problem on a test site.

ARI Soft
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Re:Possible issue with ARIDataTables 1.16.4 J!3.9.8 5 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Could you provide a temporary access to your J! backend and FTP access by email so we can investigate the problem?
Thanks for the offer however this will not be possible.

You can reproduce the problem on a test site.
The problem is only present on the live site not on the test site

Any other options? I can provide some more details if you can think of any ways to trouble shoot this issue.

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Re:Possible issue with ARIDataTables 1.16.4 J!3.9.8 5 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0

Testing a new module, when attempting to create a new ARIDataTable once saving the module the error "Module XML data not available" is returned and the module is not saved
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Re:Possible issue with ARIDataTables 1.16.4 J!3.9.8 5 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 760
It looks like a specific problem on your environment. We need access to a site where the problem occurs to investigate it. We can't reproduce it on our test server.

ARI Soft
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