I am using a link from a summary list based on core Article fields, with Regular Labs Modals to popup full details of an article/joomla extra fields.
The link comes from this sql:SELECT CONCAT('{modal url="index.php/',id,'" opacity="0.5" bottom="40" right="20" width="700" overlay="false" fixed="true" group="links"}',title,'{/modal}') AS "LINK", note AS "RoudNo", created_by_alias as "Performer", metadesc AS "Place", metakey AS "Format", xreference AS "Contents" from josh6_content as c
where catid = 8 limit 1000
see steveroud.com/index.php (Home page)
but the full dataset is very large; will be 250,000 (outline) Article records or twice that if I include refs from a parallel category. We have 80,000 articles at present, and ARI query runs out of server time after perhaps 10,000, hence the Limit for testing;
- enabling Server Side Pagination, with no SSP, runs quickly and shows the set number of lines, 1-10 of 799999, BUT the Modal code now fails to generate a valid link, see
- same query, but the "source" is now visible and no link?
RegularLabs suggest problem is in ARI Datatables, and I think I have had problems in the distant past with conflicts with Libraries eg JQuery etc with ARI DataTables which I have used for many years to great effect!
Can you suggest where I might look for conflicts etc, or better syntax! - no error messages from Joomla on max reporting.