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Title for PDF Print and Excel Function
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TOPIC: Title for PDF Print and Excel Function
Title for PDF Print and Excel Function 4 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
I have a question about the titles in the PDF Print and Excel functions.
Now the website title is used in the documents of what makes no sense.

Example: That means, when you click on the PDF button, the document is named like the website Title Tag.

How can I get Ari-Datatable to use the module title for the documents.

Many thanks

PS: Ari-Datatables is a excellent Extension

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Re:Title for PDF Print and Excel Function 4 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762

Sorry, but the extension doesn't support ability to define custom file name for exported files.

ARI Soft
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Re:Title for PDF Print and Excel Function 4 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Very good answer, unfortunately not helpful. I've seen Ari-Datatable use the Datatable API. At Datatable I see that this is possible with the titles. Unfortunately, my programming skills are not good enough to be able to implement a solution.

So I ask again, would it be possible to do that for me with Custom Working?

The problem is that if you have several modules with Datatable on one page, all tables are called the same name, that makes no sense for my users.

It is certainly not difficult for a programmer to integrate the Title from the module instead of using the Title Tag from the Website. Or integrate a Field for the title in ARI-Datatable.


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