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trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds
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TOPIC: trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds
Re:trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm not really sure, maybe I misunderstood you. I thought maybe you had said it was based on joomla's menu item ID's but maybe not. I'm not sure what $ID you mentioned.

All I'm really trying to do is to define the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th....... 'ux-menu-sub'

'about us' 'ux-menu-sub' = blue

'contact us' 'ux-menu-sub' = red

like that.
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Re:trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 760
Provide a link to a page where we can see a menu.

ARI Soft
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Re:trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
chava wrote:

What I have so far: www.geopeakenergy.com/betasite/commercial
It works perfect, but looks pretty boring.

Here's what I'd like to end up with: www.geopeakenergy.com/commercial
So I basically need to learn to give each submenu column a background image
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Re:trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 760
Try to use the next CSS rules:


.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item549 A:hover,
.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item549 A.ux-menu-link-hover,
.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item549 .ux-menu-sub A
 background-color: green !important;

.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item550 A:hover,
.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item550 A.ux-menu-link-hover,
.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item550 .ux-menu-sub A
 background-color: red !important;

ARI Soft
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Re:trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
The reason that solution does not work is because it targets each LI element, not the entire UL object, which is what I need to target.

As you can see on the link I sent, I'm trying to apply a background image to the UL

something like the following works for my purpose, but only if all submenus have the same background. I'd like to define each submenu item to have a different background image.

.ux-menu-sub {background: url(images/bluebg.png) no-repeat bottom center;

Is it possible?

If ARI EXT menu would require a new 'UL ID' feature perhaps I could compensate you for your time?

Thank you for your help so far! I am truly grateful!
Last Edit: 2012/01/11 21:49 By chava.
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Re:trying to customize EXT menu element backgrounds 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 760
Use the next one:


.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item549 .ux-menu-sub
 background: transparent url(http://www.geopeakenergy.com/commercial/templates/ifs_geo_res/images/mainnav_about-drophover.png);

.ux-menu LI.ux-menu-item549 .ux-menu-sub A
 background: transparent none !important;

ARI Soft
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