The web page is You need to register but do that and I will give you access. Please put ARISOFT as the username so I know who it is and include the name test in your name so the leaders know to screen you out of their reports.
I got answers back from the users of android tablets, if they tap just outside of a main horizontal menu item, they can access the pulldown menu. If they tap directly on the horizontal mani menu item they do not get the pulldown menu.
One has an Android software & hardware (one has a Verizon Ellipse tablet that uses a recent version of Android software), the other has a Visual Land Prestige
Model# PRO10D with
Android Version 4.2.2).
I copied the extension from just a couple of days ago.
I just noticed, while trying to find a version number for Ari-Ext-Manu, that the module was not marked as published (though I swear I published it and menus worked very different on my iphone - they were animated and flipped around before displaying the submenu).
I will have them check their tablets again and check in about 24 hours to make sure it didn't go back to unpublished again.