Dear Ari Soft,
Congrats on a nice extension, which I am very happy to use on my site.
However, I would like to know how I can fix a problem that I'm having.
I have a horizontal menu where a dropdown appears as I hover over.
It works fine as long as the window is wide enough so that the menu doesn't have to cross a linebreak.
Because, when that happens, the dropdown appears behind the horizontal main menu, and you can't see or click it. (see screenshot)
Also, I have DJ SLide show extension, which has the feature that it can show the image full-size in a "magnifier popup" while dimming the rest of the website.
When this is done, the ARI Ext menu will still be on top of that image too.
It seems the horizontal menu simply overlies everything. How can its layer be put in the background? How can I solve this issue?
Thanks a lot!