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narrow lightbox
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"ARI Fancy Lightbox" WordPress plugin
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TOPIC: narrow lightbox
narrow lightbox 7 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0

I’m working with a project where I’m trying to create a form of filterable knowledgebase/galley so that when you press the search result links they open up in a lightbox instead of take you to another page and I bought Ari Fancy Lightbox Pro in order to get that functionality. The search function is handled by Search & Filter Pro (Ajax search).

The site is test.apologia.se/#resurs

I'm still working on trying how to add target="_blank" and whatever other values (ari-fancybox-iframe and ari-fancybox classes perhaps?) to the search results.

So here comes my acctual question/problem:

When "Remove 3rd party plugins" is NOT checked and i add target="_blank" and class="ari-fancybox-iframe ari-fancybox" in google inspector i get a very narrow lightbox - only about 20px high. The same is applyed for "regular" links which has nothing to do with the search-thingy

When "Remove 3rd party plugins" IS ticked regular links work OK with the lightbox height and all but if I add the same class and target attributes to the search results no lightbox is opened - The page is simply opened in a new tab.

I have already posted this question at wordpress.org/support/topic/super-tiny-lightbox/ and they suggested there was a conflict with my theme: The Gem.

The fix suggested did not work properly and I was directed here since I bought the product.

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts

Best reagrds,
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Re:narrow lightbox 7 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 762

If search results are loaded via AJAX and added dynamically to a page then it requires to call the following javascript to attach the lightbox to dynamically created elements:


ARI Soft
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Re:narrow lightbox 7 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi! Please inform a beginner where that code should be applied? And does the link need to have target="_blank" before that function is run? Should i pass any parameter to the function or similar?
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Re:narrow lightbox 7 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 762
Do you want to open the following links into the lightbox?

It can be done if add "ari-fancybox-iframe" CSS class to "Read more" button. The plugin can also open all links with target="_blank" attribute into the lightbox if "Integration -> Open external links into lightbox -> Convert links" parameter is enabled on "ARI Fancy Lightbox -> Settings" page.

BTW, currently we are working on new version of the plugin which will support ability to attach the lightbox to elements based on custom CSS selector. It helps to attach the lightbox to "Read more" buttons without adding any additional attributes. We are going to release new version at the beginning of next week.

ARI Soft
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Re:narrow lightbox 7 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Thanks for the quick reply =)

Yes you are right, those are the buttons I'm interested in =).

When I add "ari-fancybox-iframe" class to the button a mini-lightbox is opened for a short second before the browser follows the link.

If you check the page now you should be able to see what I mean.

I now don't have any of the "convert links" or "Remove 3rd party plugins" ticked. When "Remove 3rd party plugins" is ticked I can't see any lightbox.

Wow! That sound great =) I'm looking forward to the next version!
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Re:narrow lightbox 7 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 762
In any case, it will not work without "Remove 3rd party plugins" option because conflict with old version of Fancybox which is used by your theme will occur.

ARI Soft
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