I’m working with a project where I’m trying to create a form of filterable knowledgebase/galley so that when you press the search result links they open up in a lightbox instead of take you to another page and I bought Ari Fancy Lightbox Pro in order to get that functionality. The search function is handled by Search & Filter Pro (Ajax search).
The site is
I'm still working on trying how to add target="_blank" and whatever other values (ari-fancybox-iframe and ari-fancybox classes perhaps?) to the search results.
So here comes my acctual question/problem:
When "Remove 3rd party plugins" is NOT checked and i add target="_blank" and class="ari-fancybox-iframe ari-fancybox" in google inspector i get a very narrow lightbox - only about 20px high. The same is applyed for "regular" links which has nothing to do with the search-thingy
When "Remove 3rd party plugins" IS ticked regular links work OK with the lightbox height and all but if I add the same class and target attributes to the search results no lightbox is opened - The page is simply opened in a new tab.
I have already posted this question at
wordpress.org/support/topic/super-tiny-lightbox/ and they suggested there was a conflict with my theme: The Gem.
The fix suggested did not work properly and I was directed here since I bought the product.
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts
Best reagrds,