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Titel and Caption
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"ARI Fancy Lightbox" WordPress plugin
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TOPIC: Titel and Caption
Titel and Caption 3 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello Support

I purchased the plugin and i'm very satisfied with it.
I'm using it together with the plugin justified image gallery (JIG) and it works perfect.

One little point i would like to change. Is it possible to show the title and caption in the lightbox.

like this
Titel -> 1. line
Caption -> 2. line

Below you see the html-code which is generated from JIG.


class="justified-image-grid-html" data-lazy-src="skiplazyload" data-src="skipunveillazyload"><ul><li><a href="......./2021/08/thumbnails/Walenpfad_210819_092938-1365x1024.jpg" title="Engelberg - Ristis - Brunnihütte - Walenalp - Walegg - Chrüxhütte - Fell"><img src="........../justified-image-grid/timthumb.php?src=https%3A%2F%2Fccccccc.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F08%2Fthumbnails%2FWalenpfad_210819_092938-1365x1024.jpg&amp;h=600&amp;q=90&amp;f=.jpg" alt="Walenpfad [19.08.2021]" width="799" height="600" /></a><p class="jig-HTMLdescription">Walenpfad [19.08.2021]<br/>Engelberg - Ristis - Brunnihütte - Walenalp - Walegg - Chrüxhütte - Fell</p><

from jig-HTMLdescription:
Title -> Walenpfad [19.08.2021]
Caption -> Engelberg - Ristis - Brunnihütte - Walenalp - Walegg - Chrüxhütte - Fell

thx for your help

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Re:Titel and Caption 3 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 762

Could you provide a link to a sample page?

ARI Soft
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Re:Titel and Caption 3 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello Support

Unfortunately, this is not possible because this site has access protection from outside.
What do you need? Above you see the html-code for one photo, which is generated from the plugin jig

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Re:Titel and Caption 3 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 762
Try to populate "Custom JS code" parameter on "ARI Fancy Lightbox -> Settings -> Advanced" page with the following code:


$('.justified-image-grid-html li').each(function() {
    var $item = $(this), $a = $item.find('a'), $descr = $item.find('.jig-HTMLdescription');
    var descr = ($descr.html() || '').split(/<br\s*\/?>/);
    var title = descr[0], story = descr[1];

    if (title) {
        $a.data('title', title);

        if (story) {
            $a.data('description', story);

If it doesn't help, could you reproduce a sample gallery on a public test site so we can help you?

ARI Soft
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Re:Titel and Caption 3 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
thank you for your answer. But it doesn't work.

if I use not your code and disable all options (smart titel, Convert file name to title, Get title from EXIF data) the content of the WP-image field "description" is displayed.
In our example -> "Engelberg - Ristis - Brunnihütte - Walenalp - Walegg - Chrüxhütte - Fell" but "Walenpfad [19.08.2021]" is not displayed. Walenpfad [19.08.2021] is the content of the WP-image field "title".

If you can only display the content of <p class="jig-HTMLdescription"> or you could cut <p class="jig-HTMLdescription"> from the code fragment below we would have reached our target.
<p class="jig-HTMLdescription">Walenpfad [19.08.2021]<br/>Engelberg - Ristis - Brunnihütte - Walenalp - Walegg - Chrüxhütte - Fell</p><

But i think the better way is we put title and description with variables from the code together.

alt="Walenpfad [19.08.2021] -> WP-image field "title"
title="Engelberg - Ristis - Brunnihütte - Walenalp - Walegg - Chrüxhütte - Fell"> -> WP-image field "desciption"

Last Edit: 2021/09/15 20:06 By Meggsico.
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Re:Titel and Caption 3 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
something else. with the following code from your forum only "Walenpfad [19.08.2021]" is displayd in the lightbox

setTimeout(function() { $('.ari-fancybox>IMG').each(function() { var $img = $(this), $a = $img.parent(), alt = $img.attr('alt'); if (alt) $a.data('caption', alt); });});

Maybe it helps you
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