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Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page
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"ARI Fancy Lightbox" WordPress plugin
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TOPIC: Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page
Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page 2 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi ARI team,

I have just bought the PRO version of ARI Fancy Lightbox and enabled Deeplinking.

The feature works, but when I open the lightbox and press the back button in the browser, it goes to the previous page instead of closing the lightbox and showing the current page (from which the lightbox deeplink was opened).

For an example of this behavior:
- Go to estherjansen.mezzomedia.nl/
- Go to the "Foto's" page from the menu (which is estherjansen.mezzomedia.nl/fotos/)
- Click on a photo in the gallery
- Press the Back button of your browser
- As you can see, the back button causes you to go back to the Home page

How can this be solved?

Thank you
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Re:Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page 2 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Dear ARI team,

I have paid for the PRO version for my client to be able to use deep linking + back button.

Could you please reply to my question?
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Re:Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page 2 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 762

Sorry, but it is not possible to open the links. The first links navigates to Plesk panel and the second one to 404 error page. Are they available for guest users?

ARI Soft
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Re:Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page 2 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0

Apologies, the temporary website is not available anymore because it has been migrated to the live website.

The website URL is now www.estherjansen.com
And the URL from the second step in my example is www.estherjansen.com/fotos/
Other than the URL change, the same steps from my example do apply.

Does that allow you to investigate further?

Thank you
Last Edit: 2022/10/05 21:09 By mezzomedia.
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Re:Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page 2 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 762
Try to populate "Custom JS code" parameter on "ARI Fancy Lightbox -> Settings -> Advanced" page with the following code:


if ('scrollRestoration' in history) {
    history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
if (!history.state || !history.state.fakeLightbox || history.state.path !== window.location.pathname) {
    history.pushState({fakeLightbox: true, path: window.location.pathname}, null, window.location.pathname);
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(e) {
    var isActive = !!$.fancybox.getInstance();
    if (isActive) {
        history.pushState({fakeLightbox: true, path: window.location.pathname}, null, window.location.pathname);
    } else {

ARI Soft
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Re:Back button on Deeplink goes to previous page 2 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
Fantastic, I think the provided solution works!

Thank you very much for this!
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