If I want to define the width of the fancybox in pixels and the height in % using the code below, what do I need to do?
Code: |
<a href="http://www.histoire.fr/histoire/emissions/histoire-grand-debat/0,,5836141-VU5WX0lEIDQ5Ng==,00-les-francs-macons-.html" class="arifancybox iframe {width: '95%', height: '95%', title:'Les franc-maзon - le grand dйbat'}">• Йmission histoire.fr - Les franc-maзons</a>
When I change the width to '1280px', the fancybox pops up all messed up on the lower-left of the screen (everything is on top of each other and unusable.)
When I change is the width to '1280' the fancybox pops up outside the screen.