I am still having trouble getting Ari Fancybox to work for me.
I am trying to load a custom_html module with the arifancybox plugin embedded up to 8 times in the module.
The code that I am using, for example, is:
Code: |
<div class="clearfix">
<div style="float: left; width: 25%;">
<a href="the-family.html"><img src="images/stories/demo/mom_dad.png" border="0" width="162" height="110" style="border: 0;" /></a><br />
<h3 style="margin-bottom: 3px;"><strong>The Family</strong></h3>
<a href="the-family.html">Read more...</a>
<div style="float: left; width: 25%;">
{arifancybox activeType="flickr" type="customtext" source="photoset" photosetId="72157624434792497" apikey="166cd0f079225ba7aa06e3ec838f6e62"}<img src="images/stories/galleries/tehran-gallery.png" width="220" height="110" alt="tehran-gallery" title="Click for a slideshow." />{/arifancybox}
<h3>The City of Tehran</h3>
{arifancybox activeType="flickr" type="customtext" source="photoset" photosetId="72157624434792497" apikey="166cd0f079225ba7aa06e3ec838f6e62"}View the Gallery{/arifancybox}
<div style="float: left; width: 25%;">
{arifancybox activeType="flickr" type="customtext" source="photoset" photosetId="72157624564172740" apikey="166cd0f079225ba7aa06e3ec838f6e62"}<img src="images/stories/galleries/rasht-gallery.png" width="220" height="110" alt="rasht-gallery" title="Click for a slideshow." />{/arifancybox}
<h3>The City of Rasht</h3>
{arifancybox activeType="flickr" type="customtext" source="photoset" photosetId="72157624564172740" apikey="166cd0f079225ba7aa06e3ec838f6e62"}View the Gallery{/arifancybox}
<div style="float: left; width: 25%;">
{arifancybox activeType="flickr" type="customtext" source="photoset" photosetId="72157624427151309" apikey="166cd0f079225ba7aa06e3ec838f6e62"}<img src="images/stories/galleries/gilan-gallery.png" width="220" height="110" alt="gilan-gallery" title="Click for a slideshow." />{/arifancybox}
<h3>Gilan Province</h3>
{arifancybox activeType="flickr" type="customtext" source="photoset" photosetId="72157624427151309" apikey="166cd0f079225ba7aa06e3ec838f6e62"}View the Gallery{/arifancybox}
Basically, the module is divided into 4 divs enclosed that are enclosed in another div.
Each of those 4 is set to a width of 25%, so the 4 divs together make up 100% of the enclosing div.
Inside each div is 3 basic containers:
1. an image (enclosed in the arifancybox plugin)
2. an <h3> heading
3. a text link (enclosed in the exact same arifancybox code as the image)
This is repeated up to 4 times in the same custom_html module.
The problem is, rather than having the plugin work as a plugin, it shows up as text.
Can you help me fix this?
I will send you the login and password to the site, as well as the link to the affected module, in an email.
Can you also please tell me what error I am making so that I don't need to ask you fix this issue 100 times (I will be using the plugin like this at least 100 times throughout the site).