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Using Joomla 1.73 and cannot get Flip book to work
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TOPIC: Using Joomla 1.73 and cannot get Flip book to work
Re: Using Joomla 1.73 and cannot get Flip book to work 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762
The module loads articles from categories which are selected in "Select type -> Articles -> Categories" parameter. In your case selected categories contain two articles so the module shows two article in a book view. Each article is shown as a page in a book.

You can use PHP Settings plugin to increase value of memory_limit PHP option and avoid "Out of memory" PHP error.

PS: The extension supports Joomla! 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7.

ARI Soft
Last Edit: 2011/12/03 19:34 By admin.
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Re: Using Joomla 1.73 and cannot get Flip book to work 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
admin wrote:
The module loads articles from categories which are selected in "Select type -> Articles -> Categories" parameter. In your case selected categories contain two articles so the module shows two article in a book view. Each article is shown as a page in a book.

You can use PHP Settings plugin to increase value of memory_limit PHP option and avoid "Out of memory" PHP error.

PS: The extension supports Joomla! 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7.

ARI Soft

There is no such area "Select type -> Articles -> Categories" within Ari Flip Book at all. I am in there now and there is an articles AREA but there is nowhere in there in which to set te number of articles. That is under "Basic Options" in the module. I see where I can select categories under that Articles area but here is the reason the program crashes the site and otherwise doesnt work - I want every single article category in there excepting 3 (so nearly 20 I think) selected. At the moment only about 3 have any articles at all in them and there arent many articles. When I put in the command, at the top of any article within any category other than the first 3 shown to me in Ari Flip Book, the site crashes if there is an article to be tested there on only SOME categories but in others it shows me articles from a completely different category and even then doesnt show the actual article but just the NAME of the article.

I am afraid Ari Flip book, while I am sure you are very honest and have tested it with Joomla 1.71, doesnt work with Joomla 1.73 which I am using. I have had this problem with another extension meant for another purpose called Jpub. The author told me that 1.73 handles articles differently to previous versions of Joomla and he had to rewrite the extension to accommodate. Right now Ari Flip Book doesnt work at all with Joomla 1.73 but if you can prove me wrong on my own site, please do because I paid for flip boook and so far I dont believe I am wrong.
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Re: Using Joomla 1.73 and cannot get Flip book to work 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762
Could you re-enable access to your J! backend so we can see and investigate an issue.

ARI Soft
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Re: Using Joomla 1.73 and cannot get Flip book to work 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
admin wrote:
Could you re-enable access to your J! backend so we can see and investigate an issue.

ARI Soft

Sorry but no. I have to admit that last time you went in and fixed things, though at first I believed it was fixed, it was only because you selected 3 categories and not all the ones I had already selected. Even then it wasnt REALLY fixed as evey other article I tried to get flip book to work with always only showed up the articles in those 3 categories no matter what. To make matters worse, when I selected a category outside of the 3 you selected, it still crashed the site.

So I have to say I have lost confidence in Ari Flip Book and dont have the time nor patience to go through all this again. I only wish that I could have had a demo to try before buying (eg, why not make a time limited demo that once it is installed lasts 7 days and then disables itself?) because then I would have known all this and not gone through all this and put you through all this as well.

I am sorry to say I have wasted my money with flip book, have lost any confidence in it or you and have obviously wasted my money which is why I suggested the demo so others dont feel the same way if it doesnt work for them.
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Re: Using Joomla 1.73 and cannot get Flip book to work 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762
We described why your site was crashed. You tried to load flip book to an article which is loaded to flip book. It causes circular references. Flip book loads article which try to load flip book and it occurs in unlimited way. We didn't select 3 categories, it was selected before we logged to your site. It seems like misunderstanding logic of the extension. Flip book loads articles from selected categories into a flip book and each article is one page in a book, it doesn't split one article into several pages.

ARI Soft
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