1. "ARI Flip Book" module installer installs "System - ARI Extensions" plugin automatically. The plugin is requires only for Joomla! 1.6+. It is not required for Joomla! 1.5.
2. You can create several "ARI Flip Book" module instances (you can read how to do it
here) and load them into an article with help of "Content - ARI Flip Book" plugin or "Content - Load Module" standard Joomla! plugin or any other similar plugin.
Instructions how to use the module can be found in "Description" field on module settings page. It also contains information that "Moleskin" theme works with fixed size (width = 800 and height = 500). For "Default" theme is possible use custom size.
You can specify what articles should be shown by the module in "Source type -> Articles" parameters section. Each parameter contains a tooltip with description.
ARI Soft