I use the ARI Flip Book since quite a while in the page of a friend. Before yesterday everything was working well. Yesterday I added 5 photos to one of the books and now page 2 and page 4 are empty and one more photo missing - also in the book where I did not change anything; in both languages. I tried with several browsers but everyhwere the same fault.
Puppies G litter (5 photos added yesterday, 3 missing) and
Puppies H litter (nothing changed and also 3 photos missing).
When I go through the pages in the flip book from time to time the error message appears that there is a script fault and I can chose "continue", "debug script" or "stop script".
Maybe you can tell me what to do to get all photos viewed. Thank you.
P.S.: ARI Flip Book 1.7.8 installed, Joomla 3.8.0