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Images cannot load in joomla 3
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TOPIC: Images cannot load in joomla 3
Images cannot load in joomla 3 11 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
I have just installed Ari Image Slideshow in joomla 3 with template "ijoomla05'. The fist image can show up, however the second one does not. So I know why ?

I also install jQuery easy but it didnot solve my problem.

Please give a advise about ijoomla template running Ari Image Slideshow.

Tks in advance
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Re:Images cannot load in joomla 3 11 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 762

Where we can see the problem?

ARI Soft
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Re:Images cannot load in joomla 3 11 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi, I got similar problem whit ARI Image ..
I was installed a local server (localhos) on my MacBook Pro, OSX 10.6
I had to deleted all intalled, and renew install again becouse ARI Image slider dosent work fine, never show again the image in the righ path directory and folder privileged OK.
A new intall was fine just for awhile...
Again the problem pesistence:
In a simple install:
JQuery no conflict : YEs
Version: 1.8.2 or 1.10.1 was fine
Load JQuery Method: Google CDN

Folder Path: localhost/MySite/images/slides/sl1-image.jpg an so on...
Why I got a probblem whit this ARI Image slide on My MacBook Pro whit OSX 10.6?

With this install, I just use my custom template, works fine on my website:

But not my locla host...
I think is a rare problem with apache, OSX 10.6 or joomla version 2.5 ...
When started form the begin is ok, then when I try to change image, o adding new path for new image, dosent work, loss image or no slide images..
Any rpoblem? any suggestions?
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Re:Images cannot load in joomla 3 11 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762

We can investigate the problem if you provide a link to a page where we can see the problem.

ARI Soft
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Re:Images cannot load in joomla 3 11 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
I think don understood my problem..

I got a localhost on my MacBook whit OSX 10.6
Server Apache OK
PhpMyAdmin OK
PHP server OK

ARI Image SLide:

But always in the begin the images is ok
path images is ok
but just for a lil changing something, thats wrong just in my Local Host computer...
maybe this is a worng into ARI, cose when the slide fails, never show any image before...
somthing worng with ARI Image Slide or.. OSX ?
Joomla without any pluguin or template with any JQuery, Bootstrap, etc.. never installed.
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Re:Images cannot load in joomla 3 11 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762
Check browser's error console, probably it contains a javascript error.

Send also screenshots of module settings page by email. Specify also what version of the extension you use.

ARI Soft
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