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Using it for Picasa
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TOPIC: Using it for Picasa
Using it for Picasa 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello, I'd like to use the module for showing an album of Picasa. Could you please provide information on how to do so?

I'm getting some errors and I don't know for sure what data to use for Picasa user (info@wolbertkeukens.nl or WolbertKeukens.nl) / Picasa album (LaatsteProjecten or 5519723475160182065)... Offcourse I've tried all combinations, but without success.

This is the Picasa link: picasaweb.google.com/WolbertKeukens.nl/LaatsteProjecten?authkey=Gv1sRgCK_k45n1tqbhQA&feat=directlink

And I've attached an image file to show what errors I get.
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Re:Using it for Picasa 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 761

Could you provide module settings or temporary access to your Joomla! backend by email that we can investigate this issue?

ARI Soft
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Re:Using it for Picasa 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 761
It seems you try to load private album but the extension can work only with public albums. For example enter the following values and it will work:

Picasa user - WolbertKeukens.nl

Picasa album - KHSystemMobel

ARI Soft
Last Edit: 2010/09/23 13:23 By admin.
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Re:Using it for Picasa 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
Thanks for the really quick reply!

It's indeed a private album, but that doesn't scare of many other J! extensions for Picasa. They work flawlessly with private albums. And it's a bit of a drawback for me, that yours doesn't... I intend to use some public and some private albums for the website, and your module seemed perfect.

Is it possible to (quickly) alter the module so it wмll work, with a private album?

Thank you for your help!
Last Edit: 2010/09/23 13:25 By tubbergen.
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Re:Using it for Picasa 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 761
We have updated the module and added new parameter 'Private key' which is used for showing private albums. We installed and configured updated extension on your site. Updated extension can also be downloaded in 'Member Area' on our site.

ARI Soft
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Re:Using it for Picasa 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
Wow, you rock!!! Deepest respect for your support!
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