Thanks for the tip.
I'm working my way through this stuff.
Sofar I noticed 2 CSS files related to this extension.
Based on their names and locations, one is the 'original' that comes with Nivo Slider. I also found some examples of html code. For example when I would use this in articles.
However, when looking back in this post, their appear to be CSS rules of which I did not found any documentation. For example the part with $ID.
Second, I find it difficult to see the effect of a specific parameter and value. For example the effect of a minus value.
Both is my lack of knowledge - I'm sure.
Don't consider this a dis-respect for your support:
But than again - it's not my intention to be an expert on the available web technologies and its extensions that's developed by companies like yours.
I just would like to work with it - not do a (re)code of the whole...
I will try figuring things out. If somebody could point me to some documentation how this all links together, that would be nice...