Something strange is happening with my psanish version of my website.
I have joomla 2.5.9 + cb 1.9. The website is mulitlnagual EN, FR, ES.
So I created 3 Ari image slider modules (1 for each language). Each slider module load 3 different images. The images are stored in 3 different folders (1 for each language).
I have a problem with Ari Image Slider in spanish, it create a 4th image blank and a link to cb login page, without any reason!
The configuration of each module is exactly the same, the only differences are:
1)the folder where images are stored is different,
2) the language of modules are different (English for EN module, SPanish for ES module, etc...)
Have a look at the screenshot of the console. You will see this link:
<a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login&lang=es" class="nivo-imageLink" style="display: block;">
Someone can help me please?