Dear forum,
First of all, thanks for making such an awesome extension.
I've got a question regarding Ari Image Slider in joomla.
I want to use 2 different ari image sliders in one module.
But when I duplicate the Ari Image Slider module and put it in the same template location (both on position: 'top') I get the second slider under the first one, instead of having it next to each other without any margin.
Do you know a way to get my 2 sliders right next to each other? Or is this a question I need to ask on the joomla forums instead of this one?
Thanks in advance!
PS: This is the website I'm talking about. You can see the problem I'm having there.
I want them right next to each other without any borders, or margin.
The idea is that the first slider shows a black background with white letters and that the second slider shows pictures.