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Avoiding names under the pictures
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TOPIC: Avoiding names under the pictures
Avoiding names under the pictures 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0

My webpage is using this script:

{arimagnify activeType="flickr" source="photoset" photosetId="my_pageID" thumbSize="square" imgSize="large" itemCount="9" theme="shadow"}{/arimagnify}

I found a problem,because I would'n like to have the picture's name under the photos, for example: IMG699.
Is it possible to avoid the photos name?
Would it be possible to use a different size of square (thumbsize) and showing the pictures randomly?

Thank you very much.
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Re:Avoiding names under the pictures 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 761

1. Currently titles can be removed if set "Flickr gallery -> Layout type" parameter in plugin settings to "Advanced gallery" and remove the next code:



or we can update the extension with couple of days and add parameter that indicatete display or not images.

2. The extension can show images only in selected size, it can't select image size randomly.

ARI Soft
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Re:Avoiding names under the pictures 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Thank you very much for aswering me so soon
I have written this script:

{rowtemplate itemCount="12" rowClass="odd;even"}
<tr class="{$rowClass}">
No items found

But now the problem is that I don't know where I could write the code for the theme shadow which was written before with the following script, how could I solve it?

{arimagnify activeType="flickr" source="photoset" photosetId="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" thumbSize="square" imgSize="large" itemCount="9" theme="shadow"}{/arimagnify}

For future updates it would be very good to know how to close the pictures by clicking on them and having the possibility of clicking on the cross too.

Thank you in advance.
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Re:Avoiding names under the pictures 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 761
New version of the extension provides new parameter "Simple gallery -> Show title". It uses that define should the extension show titles under thumbnails or not. The latest version of the extension can be downloaded in "Member Area".

ARI Soft
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