I installed a joomla template on my lap top(local) that use k2 component at the
main core of that template.
On the "Fashion" page,(its position is ; #pos-fashion), of the Menu,(main menu),of
that template:
there are a few pictures that is active a" pop-up" function on them by k2 component.
Now, I want to active;
"ARI Magnifier Joomla! extension"on them ,too.So that,
both extensions activated and worked on the above mentioned pictures;
Would you please tell me for that; where(in which file) should I write a code
for it?
And give me that code?
At the following route of my project in
www folder of my wamp server named as;
"prj1" I find the k2 pop-up
" www\prj1\components\com_k2\js ", is the correct roue and file should I edit for
and the code is;
Code: |
// Classic popup
var json = $K2(this).attr('rel');
json = json.replace(/'/g, '"');
var options = $K2.parseJSON(json);
} else {
var options = {x:900,y:600}; /* use some default values if not defined */
Very Thanks,