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Orbit Slider spinning disk, not loading pictures
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TOPIC: Orbit Slider spinning disk, not loading pictures
Orbit Slider spinning disk, not loading pictures 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
I have ARI Orbit Slider successfully installed in articles via {loadposition "modulepositionname"} on various pages on my development site running Joomla 2.5 (recently upgraded from 1.7), then ported to the live web server (RHEL6) running LAMP. Although the Orbit slider window appears with bullet navigation, it only presents a spinning disk with ? mark. On clicking on the empty image field, each image comes up OK in the lightbox, so it seems to be finding the correct path to the images folder.

I tried changing various settings with no success. Any suggestions why it works on one set up (Mac OSX running MAMP) but not working on RHEL6 running LAMP ? I upgraded from Joomla 1.7 recently. Is there a setting that is perhaps incompatible in 2.5 or that I haven't set properly ?

Thankyou for your assistance.


Pictures are located in images/"folder_name"/Images.

Parameter settings used are as follows:
Include jQuery - Yes
jQuery noConflict - Yes
Show loading pane - No
Init width - 600
Init height - 400
Link target - Parent window
Theme - default
Lightbox integration - Core Joomla! Lightbox
Scan SubFolders - Yes <-- tried toggling on/off and going up in the folder hierachy. No luck.
Image path is set to: images/"folder_name"/Images <-- contains images
Use thumbnails - Yes
Thumbnail width - 600
Thumbnail height - 400
Thumbnails path - images/"folder_name"/Thumbnails <-- contains thumbnail images
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Re:Orbit Slider spinning disk, not loading pictures 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 762

We will investigate an issue if you provide a link to a page where we can see it.

PS: You can check browser's error console (press Ctrl+Shift+J in FireFox browser).

ARI Soft
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Re:Orbit Slider spinning disk, not loading pictures 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
Example of problem webpage is www.ccbs.uci.edu/index.php/2012-02-07-00-50-59/90-photogalleries/139-ccbsretreatphotos.

Firefox Error Console brings up the following message:

Error: this.container is null ccbs.uci.edu/templates/officeprime-tg/slideshow/NivooSlider.js

The error points to line 296: this.holder = new Element('div.nivoo-slider-holder').adopt(this.container.getChildren()).inject(this.container);

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Re:Orbit Slider spinning disk, not loading pictures 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 762
It seems this problem with module configuration, could you send screenshot(s) of module settings page or provide a temporary access to your J! backend by email?

ARI Soft
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Re:Orbit Slider spinning disk, not loading pictures 12 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
As suggested, adding ../Thumbnails/{$fileName} to the thumbnails path solved the problem.

Thank you for the fast and efficient problem solving !
Greatly appreciated !
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