Doesn't seem to work. This is what I coded in the Joomla Article:
{ariphotogallery activeType="imglist" type="gallery" itemCount="6" thumbWidth="101" dir="images/y2011-winners/A1-API" descrFile="api-titles.csv" opt_galleryTitle="Advanced Projected Images"}{/ariphotogallery}
The results can be viewed at
www.heswallphotosoc.co.uk/index.php/hps-comps-m/hps-comps-2011-m/hps-y2011-ac1-m although thumbWidth used is "151".
Plug-in Manager "System - ARI Photo Gallery Anywhere" is configured with "Items per Row" set to 5 and the web page displays five. "Visible Item Count" is left blank.
I've tried leaving "Items per Row" blank but it gets set automatically to 3. I tried setting it to "0" but got "division by zero" errors.
I've tried the reverse! Setting "Items per Row" to 6 and using itemCount="5" in other articles but I then get an empty image cell at the end of the line where there are only 5 images.