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HowTo create description File (csv)
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TOPIC: HowTo create description File (csv)
HowTo create description File (csv) 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
I would like to create a describtion file for my gallery's. Why is there no documentation available for Ari Pretty Photo?

How did i have to setup the file EXACTLY to get the describtions work? Did i have to use the same folder for the csv file and the images? How should the file look like? thanks!
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Re:HowTo create description File (csv) 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 760

"ARI Pretty Photo" contains documentation. Open "ARI Pretty Photo" module settings page and click by "Detailed help here" link in "Description" section. Documentation appears in the lightbox. It also contains sample of CSV file. CSV file should be located in image folder and has the next format:


"image_01.jpg","Image 01","Description 01"
"image_02.jpg","Image 02","Description 02"

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Re:HowTo create description File (csv) 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
ok, that's nice but this is not very much. I think there would be more to tell about Ari Pretty Photo. Specially the "Advanced Gallery" function is interesting for me, but i can't find any description of the options, even not in the manual you have mentioned.
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Re:HowTo create description File (csv) 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 760
"Advanced gallery" is available only under J! 1.5 and can be used if you want to change HTML layout provided by "Simple gallery" layout type. In most cases, "Simple gallery" can be used instead of "Advanced gallery". "Simple gallery" layout type is easy to configure and doesn't require any additional code.

"Advanced gallery" provides ability to use "repeater" control. Sample code can be found below:


  {rowtemplate itemCount="2" rowClass="odd;even"}
    <tr class="{$rowClass}">
        <td> </td>
    No items found

Between {repeater} and {/repeater} tags are located specific repeater's tags. {headertemplate} and {footertemplate} sections contains header and footer. {emptytemplate} is used when image source doesn't contain images. {rowtemplate} contains row template and "itemCount" attribute provides ability to specify how many image will be shown per row.

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Re:HowTo create description File (csv) 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I am also having trouble with the .CSV file. I am trying to use the 'simple gallery' style and I would like to have a description of each picture. I have about 12 separate ari pretty photo modules, each showing pictures from a different folder, and each folder has its own .CSV file.

One of the modules is a "main" gallery that shows all of the pictures together. But I cannot get the descriptions to show up in this gallery. Can I list multiple .CSV file names in the 'description file' parameter?
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Re:HowTo create description File (csv) 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 760

The extension reads CSV files from each main folder(s) and sub-folder(s). CSV file contains description of files from folder where it is located.

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