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Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying
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TOPIC: Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying
Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying 8 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0

Photo albums from Google Photos are no longer displaying when using the ARI Pretty Photo plugin.
Google has changed the options in Google Photos so that it is no longer possible to mark new albums as public, which is what this plugin is using to display the albums.

Is there a solution or workaround without having to move to a different photo platform altogether?
My customer literally has thousands of photos on Google Photos, and moving them will be a real pain.

Best regards,
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Re:Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying 8 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 762

It is possible to set a public access for albums via Picasa service.

ARI Soft
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Re:Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying 8 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
admin wrote:
It is possible to set a public access for albums via Picasa service.

As of May 1st (yesterday) it will not be possible to create new albums in Picasa Web. All albums will be limited to Google Photos, thus the Picasa Web service will no longer be available to make those albums public. See this post on Google's Picasa Blog.
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Re:Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying 8 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762
Albums which are created in Google Photos are available in Picasa and it is possible to do them public. This feature is available right now.

ARI Soft
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Re:Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying 8 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Okay, then please explain why this album is not working:

- Link to the album on Picasa Web: picasaweb.google.com/100101500899073212682/6277457533409774497?feat=directlink

- Link to the album on Google Photos: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPUnKRAjCUt30Q5XesyDTl9MC0XiU2cbPXNli1LE2sAakim3G6Rc-EOGIWHmYzeiw?key=MDNXYVpXZDRsQkdaM1d4ZWttYUhoTGRLM3Etd3Zn

- Link to the page containing the ARI Pretty Photo plugin: vrijzinnigwestvlaanderen.be/activiteiten/fotoalbums/364-erfgoedweekend-2016-huisvandemens-vrijzinnige-geboorterituelen-in-vc-de-sleutelbrug

- And finally, the code used for the plugin: {ariprettyphoto activeType="picasa" user="nationalevrouwendagvok" album="ErfgoedweekendBrugge2016VrijzinnigeGeboorterituelen23En24April"}

As you can see, the plugin just displays 'EMPTY', indicating it cannot find any (public) photos in the album.

Best regards,
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Re:Google Photos (Picasa) albums no longer displaying 8 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762
Use the following plugin code:


{ariprettyphoto activeType="picasa" user="nationalevrouwendagvok" album="6277457533409774497"}

ARI Soft
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