First of all I would like to say ARI Quiz is a great product. It is the best Joomla QUiz Extension out there.
I have used the product for about a month now and have created a list of feature requests. I don't expect miracles and some the requests are little specific for what I need but it doesn't hurt to ask.

I have added an asterisk to the ones I think are more important.
ARI Quiz Features
- Sorting Question Categories for frontend
- * Allow Categories to have a footer description
- Ability to add page breaks where I want (in the “manage quiz questions page”)
- - With those page breaks add the ability to have a header and or footer text
- - Or is Categories good enough???
- * Allowing single question to have more than one right answer but still allow only one user answer (but still have answers with different score percentage, for example some answers can be more right than others)
- Allow individual quizzes to have their own theme
- Final Result Page
- - * Allow access to score points received for any question on final result page (so we can display them in template)
- - * Allow expressions on final result page that can also use score points or answers of questions (that the user just took)
- - - * Allow us to display answers to these expressions on final result page
- - * Allow Category Summaries on final result page to have templates so we can change how it looks for individual quizzes
- Empty Answers config option set per question basis as well (not just Quiz)
- In the Manage Quiz Questions you could have a placeholder record that states X questions from blah category. This could be used for categories that are set to pull automatically questions from the bank. The purpose of this record would be to show that there is indeed other questions in this quiz plus you could add the ability to sort at what point these category of questions would be displayed in the quiz.
- * Allow Questions that are not scored (Free Text, single question, etc) so we can retrieve information about the user during the quiz (like age, name ,etc..). There can be no right answer with these questions and shouldn’t be included in the final results.
- Option to round score in final results