Layout of D&D question 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
I like the D&D questions, but those in your demo have the following issue: If I drag the answer, it covers the question, so unless I do it in the right order, I have to un-drag to see what is underneath. Is there some template setting to make the laout more user-friendly? Thanks.
Re:Layout of D&D question 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 760
Maybe you have some ideas, how to do it more user-friendly? If yes, could you share them that we can use it and implement in a future release.
ARI Soft
Re:Layout of D&D question 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Please have a look at your Joomla 1.5 demo, as you read this, question 1 of 9:
Suppose I make a mistake and drag "is CMS" to "CAT" instead of "Joomla". The moment I do, answer "is CMS" immediately covers the second (not yet moved) answer, so I do not know what is underneath. To be able to see it, I first need to move "is CMS" back to its original place - and then I see "is pet".
Now, as I entered your demo quiz, the questions were already arranged properly - I do not know if this was on purpose or a result of randomization.
By "User friendly" I mean that the users can see all the answers even after they move some - i.e that one answer will never hide another answer. Perhaps by rearranging the layout. I am reluctant to suggest anything, because you will have to go by what the code allows. But perhaps you could consider not having the two colums (question a answer) aligned vertically as you have now, but rather shift the answers up (or down) so that they appear in between the lines? You will definitely have a beter idea.
Also, as I drag the answer, it gets connected to the question with a green check mark: This is confusing - we can interpret it as "this is right", however the green check mark appears for all dragged answers, even the bad ones.
Best regards,
Martin Prachar
Re:Layout of D&D question 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 760
We'll respect your suggestions in a future release and move this post to 'Feature Request' topic.
ARI Soft